Saturday, March 14, 2009


I was touched by an obituary written in the Orlando Sentinel about a young woman whose young life was ended by cancer. The wonderful part of the story told of the path she chose when the illness began. Rather than allowing the cancer to overtake her outlook, she employed the "Power of One" to enable her to feel some kind of fulfillment in her life. She urged her friends to do deeds of kindness for others, and encouraged focusing on the needs of others rather than self.

As I read these words, it seemed to be such a simple thing to allow myself to be truly concerned about someone outside my own small realm. It isn't really such a stretch to think of someone else before yourself, once you view yourself in an objective manner. What an amazing effect each of us could have on the world around us if we gave a simple word of encouragement someone who's struggling, a kind "hello" to a people we meet, a note to a grieving friend.

It's interesting to realize the most important aspect of our lives lies in relationships- and that seems to be the area where we have the most difficulty. By applying the "Power of One" it means we're letting someone's concerns take precedence over our own, and then we can allow that person to be what they need to be.

I challenge you to apply this life principle to some arena of your life this week, and you can be assured you'll be pleasantly surprised with the results. Just as the stone thrown on a pond causes ripples, your life can cause positive ripples.

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